Looking for a buck here on lease or a previous buck in our herd? Visit Reference Bucks
I'm a big fan of genetic diversity, so my buck herd is quite large and I still use outside bucks when I can! But, I also believe it takes a few years to prove a buck, so I rarely move them along until I've really seen what they produce!
Some notes about buck photos:
I don’t keep bucks based on their own conformation. I keep bucks based on their dams and granddams and daughters. I don’t put a whole lot of weight in LA scores on bucks either.
If I can never clip a buck in his entire life, I’m super cool with that. And so are my poor clippers. As such, a shaved picture is rare for me.
Old Washoe PS One Eyed Willy
Quaking Canopy Dexter
Castle Rock Sombrero
Quaking Canopy Frankenweenie
Quaking Canopy The Octavius
Quaking Canopy Rhaegal
Quaking Canopy Chris Farley
See Farley’s Individual Page Here.
Wings & Caprines Notre-Dame
Quaking Canopy Cicada
See Cicada’s Individual Page Here
Quaking Canopy Vincent Vega
See Vega’s Individual Page Here
Quaking Canopy Black Pearl
See Black Pearl’s Individual Page Here
Quaking Canopy Oh La La “Francois”
See Francois’ Individual Page Here
Castle Rock Damysos “Louie”
See Louie’s Individual Page Here
Louie is on lease here for 2025. He is owned by Alisha Brown, The Bad Habit Barn herd.
Louie is littermate brother to Castle Rock Parthenope EX92 @ 3YO
Quaking Canopy Dex Joaquin
Quaking Canopy Josephine 2x GCH BIS EX91 X Quaking Canopy Dexter
Urban Acres Sky Brocken Spectre
SGCH Urban Acres ASC Aurora EEEE 92 X Urban Acres CRF-BH Skyggen