Quaking Canopy Caribou Coffee VVEE89
Quaking Canopy Caribou Coffee
2021 LA: VVEE 89
See Caribou on ADGA Genetics
3rd freshener in 2022
Dam: SG Castle Rock Violet Marussia VEEE90
Sire: Quaking Canopy Anthotyros
As a first freshener, Caribou is showing us the same excellent back and rump of her dam, with improved udder texture and medial over her dam. Caribou is a doe I’m very proud to have my herd name on. As a second freshener Caribou’s increased body capacity - and udder capacity - sealed the deal for us bringing her littermate brother back into our herd.
Caribou’s Progeny In Our Herd:
Quaking Canopy Gevalia Coffee
See Gevalia’s Page Here.