SG Castle Rock Saragosa 3*M EEEE91
SG Castle Rock Saragosa 3*M
DOB 04/28/2012
Height 22"
2017 LA: VEE+ 87, 2018 LA: VEVE 88
2021 LA: EEEE 91 at 9 YO
See Gosa on ADGA Genetics
I lost Saragosa at 10 years of age Spring 2022. The hole left behind by this doe cannot be measured and will never be filled. At least as of this update, months after loosing her, I still cry just adding this sentence. I can’t move this doe to the reference pages because she isn’t a reference. She is the animal that made my life evolve to become all about goats. My wonderful, cherished, gentle friend - I was never going to be ready. I needed so many more years with you.
Dam: GCH Castle Rock Sarafina 2*M 2*D EEEE 92
Sire: Castle Rock Pound Foolish
Gosa has earned her SG designation in 2018. Saragosa has many of our herd bests - our highest scores in head, legs, dairy character, stature, body capacity and that ever illusive E in rump. She's an open, level, wide doe with an admirable and productive udder. Several of her daughters are in my herd and each year I breed to reproduce her body and structure with her production.
Saragosa was a lucky sort of addition for us. Her breeder needed to make room, as we all do, and this little doe got to come home with us as a yearling. She'll stay with us forever. She's a gentle, sweet doe with a fantastic pedigree. She's a long, uphill doe with flatness of bone and smoothness of blending throughout. Just before her first freshening here with us, her mother Sarafina was appraised EEEE 92. Not too shabby! Yeah, 'Gosa can stay.
Gosa’s progeny In Our Herd:
We have so many of Gosa’s grand “kids” that I chose to list just the first generation here, click each animal to view their own progeny to explore Gosa’s descendants.
SG Quaking Canopy Olly Olly AR 4*M VEVE90
Quaking Canopy Holstein
Quaking Canopy Dexter
See Dexter’s Page Here.
Quaking Canopy Canadienne