Castle Rock Dubliner Cheddar VVEE90
Castle Rock Dubliner Cheddar
DOB 03/05/2011
Height 20"
2017 LA: V+EE 88, 2018 LA: VVEE 90
See Cheddar on ADGA Genetics
D: CRF Castle Rock Brie 2*D VEEE 90
S: CRF Castle Rock Mr. Lincoln
We lost Cheddar in Spring of 2021 to kidding complications. Her immense impact on my herd through her daughters and granddaughters cannot ever be repaid to her and I hope she is at peace. I wish I had gotten to enjoy her retirement, as this was to be her last kidding.
Cheddar's first LA as a 6 year old 4th freshener wasn't too shabby! She was "overconditioned" -- the nicest way the judge could have commented on how fat she was - and had been in milk for a long time. We're still very proud of the 'ole girl and she'll continue to have an impact on our herd.
In a life with animals, every once in a while one comes along that just touches your soul. For me, one such animal is Cheddar. Cheddar's mother, CRF Castle Rock Brie 2*D VEEE 90, passed along her color pattern, her endearing and sweet disposition, and her powerful milk production. Cheddar is a refined doe with flatness of bone, pliable dairy skin, good length of body, and great general appearance. Cheddar spent two years as a fat pasture pet when we took a break from kidding so her shoulders are looser than we'd like to see. We hope to improve this with future generations.
Udder pictures above are from her second freshening as a 4 year old. Cheddar has great rear arch, a supportive medial, large easily expressed teats with open orifices, and just amazing udder texture. She milks down to almost nothing except buttery soft skin. We're very happy with this productive little doe. Check out the after milk out photo - we love to see NDs with udder texture like this and are happy to have Cheddar in our herd!
Cheddar’s Daughters, Sons, and Grand “kids” in our herd:
Quaking Canopy Manchego
Quaking Canopy Camembert
Quaking Canopy Queso Asadero
See Queso’s Page Here.
Quaking Canopy Que Sera Sera
Sera is a Cheddar granddaughter.
Quaking Canopy Caribou Coffee
Caribou’s is a Cheddar granddaughter.
Cheddar’s progeny in other herds:
Quaking Canopy Roquefort Blue